Mount Pleasant, Fairview Need Sewerage Systems – November 1, 1897

The City Engineer was asked to look into providing Mount Pleasant and Fairview with a Sewerage System. Officer John McAllister having been on the Police Force for a year, was given a $10 a month raise. E.J. Galloway was not entitled to pay a license for buying and selling second-hand books.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
text number

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV Series 31, Volume 8, pages 51-57

To see or download photos of the handwritten pages for this date, click on the buttons below (two parts):

[Volume 8, Page 51]

The Council met on Monday November 1st 1897

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, Clandening, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, Bethune and D.G. McDonald. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Joseph Griffith etal, asking that the verandah in front of the Sunnyside Hotel be allowed to stand.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Major General Kinchant asking the Council to appoint a Collector of Provincial Voters in the City.
No action taken.

From James Ker, Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council asking when it was the intention of the Council to introduce the By-Law for clearing in Stanley Park {to become Jubilee Park}. Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Ed Gold complaining of the action of the License Inspector and the Police.
Referred to the Police Committee.

From Harry Lindley asking the privilege of renting the Market Hall for entertainment purposes. Referred to the Market Committee.

[Volume 8, page 52]

The following Reports were received and read:

Water & Market Committee

The Water & Market Committee met on Wednesday October 27th 1897.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Neelands and D.G. McDonald

It was recommended that S. H. Holmes be allowed $18.00 off his water account for September.

J. M. Duval wrote asking to be allowed to use the water for three or four hours a day for four days to lubricate the machinery in his mill on Water Street.
Referred to the Secretary.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
BC Iron Works Co supplies $101.61
News, Advertiser supplies $4.00
Vancouver Gas Go supplies $11.00
Brackman & Ker supplies $22.93
Vancouver Granite Co supplies $18.00
Water Works Pay Roll labor $382.90
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $2.60
McLennan & McFeely supplies $16.99

Signed William Brown,

Moved by Alderman Brown;
seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 53]

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday October 29th 1897.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Clandening, Brown and Bethune

The following account was recommended for payment:
W.E. Johnstone clerical work $60.00


From the City Solicitor stating that E.J. Galloway was not entitled to pay a license for buying and selling second-hand books but that he would have to appeal to a Superior Court before he could get the fine imposed in the Police Court refunded.

From J. J. Banfield asking for more civic insurance.
Filed for reference.

From D. A. Campbell offering 30 cents a cord for the timber on the Hastings Park.
Referred to the Park Commissioners.

From the City Engineer stating that he always kept a book in which he entered all grades given. Filed.

From Major General Kinchant asking the Council to appoint a Collector of Provincial Votes. Referred to the Council.

Signed James McQueen,

Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune.
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 54]

Fire & Police Committee

The Fire & Police Committee met on Tuesday October 26th 1897.
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Champion & White supplies $2.50
R. Robertson supplies $1.50
A. E. Lees supplies $2.75
E. Lipsett supplies $6.00
S. McPherson & Co supplies $168.75
McIntosh & Co supplies $.30
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $9.73
A. Blayney supplies $9.25
Jas Freel supplies $5.00


From W. B. Rose complaining about Officer Fulton handling him roughly.
Laid over until next meeting.

From the Chief of Police reporting that John McAllister had served one year on the Police Force on the 16th of October and asking that he be allowed the usual $10.00 a month advance from that date.
Resolved that his request be granted.

From the Chief of Police reporting the resignation of Officer Colwell and asking for the appointment of a permanent man to take his place.

Resolved that applications be invited to fill the position such applications to be received up to next meeting of the Board.

From the Chief of Police reporting the illness of Sergeant Johnston and stating that Officer North was acting in his place and that he had appointed a Special to act in North’s place from the 12th of October.
Action approved.

[Volume 8, page 55]

Resolved that the following tenders be awarded:

For 10 pairs of rubber boots (knee) to R. Campbell & Son at $2.65 per pair and for one pair of hip boots at $3.75 a pair.

For 21 pairs of pants for Firemen to Mortimore Brothers from sample A1 at $5.50 per pair.

As no tenders were received for supplying rubber coats it was decided to leave their purchase to the Chairman and Chief of the Fire Brigade.

Signed D.G. McDonald,

Moved by Alderman McDonald;
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 28th of October 1897.
Present: Aldermen W.S. MacDonald, McPhaiden, Neelands and Bethune.

Captain Logan appeared before the Board in reference to the bad condition of Gore Avenue near City Slip.
Resolved to put rock on as soon as possible.

J. Widedebank complained of loose planks on 12th Avenue.
Referred to Engineer.

From W. S. Copland asking that brush on Beach Avenue near Denman Street be cut and the street graded up as he is about to build.
Referred to the Engineer.

From J. Devine complaining of condition …..

[Volume 8, Page 56]

… of 6th Avenue Mt Pleasant opposite Block 188, DL 264A.
Referred to the Engineer.

From W. A. Lewthwaite & Co, asking for ditch to be boxed in, in front of their premises on Columbia Avenue.
Referred to Foreman for attention.

His Worship the Mayor brought up the matter of a crossing on Robson Street at west side of Bute Street.
Referred to the Engineer to put one in.

Resolved that a six-foot sidewalk be laid by the Ward men on the north side of Dufferin Street {2nd Avenue} from Westminster Avenue {Main Street} to the bridge at Prince Edward Street.

Resolved that Engineer as soon as convenient obtain the necessary information for providing Mount Pleasant and Fairview with a Sewerage System.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
W. L. Tait & Sons lumber $95.19
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $10.20
E. J. Kendall supplies $550.09
ThP Veitch delivering crushed rock $202.91
S. Elkins labor $908.95

Signed W.S. MacDonald,
Acting Chairman

Moved by Alderman Bethune;
Seconded by Alderman W.S. MacDonald
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 57]


Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the following account be paid:
John McLean Special Police duty $38.70

Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Trades License By-Law be referred to the Finance Committee and City Solicitor for revision and the Plumbing By-Law to the City Solicitor and Health Committee.

Moved by Aldermen McPhaiden;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the following accounts be paid:
Nicol Allan watching patient @ hospital $6.00
D. A. Blackadder watching patient @ hospital $6.00

Moved by Alderman Brown;
Seconded by Alderman W. S. MacDonald
That the following account be paid:
M. Rockett etal alteration to Market $493.75

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk

W. Templeton


Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council, November 2nd 1897, pg 3