Pawn brokers and second hand stores to be licensed at once – November 14, 1887

Pawn brokers and second hand stores to be licensed pro-rata until the end of the year. Lamp lighter hired at $1.50 per day until electric lights are installed. Requests for a bonus for a shoe factory, and a rebate for theatrical license fee were overturned. Insurance to be purchased on City Hall and the Fire Hall.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 97-104

Vancouver Nov. 14, 1887

The Council met on Monday November 7th 1887 at 7:30 p.m.

Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer, I. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From Aaron Goldstein applying for a Licence for a Second Hand Store,
Referred to Licence Committee.

From Edgar, C. Goulding re Dunsmuir Street:
Referred to B of Works + F.W. + L.

From R. W. Armstrong re registration of Deed,
Referred to City Solicitor.

Moved by Alderman Mannion Seconded by Alderman Alexander,
That the Board of Works make enquires as to the price of an additional portion of land at the corner of Abbott and Cambie Streets and report.

From H. Abbott re terms of payment on Hospital Site.
Referred to Finance Committee power to act.

From H. Abbott re price of Block 53 District Lot 196 for School purposes,
Referred to Finance Committee.


Finance No 33.
The Finance Committee met on Friday November 11th 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Herald, Printing etc $15.55
F.X. Martin, Supplies 5.55
News-Advertiser, printing etc 30.00
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 17.00
John Clough, Posting notices 2.00
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. 5.35
F.W. Hart, Chimneys .35
Thomson Bros. Stationery 7.65
Robert Couth + Co. Coal 7.00
McLennan + McFeely, Stoves etc 41.25
Ale. Perry, Stationery 1.90

We recommend that no action be taken in the matter of E.O. Carson for a bonus for a Boot and Shoe Factory, nor in regard to John Clough for an increase of Salary nor Clifford Keenleyside for a rebate on theatrical License.
sgd D. Oppenheimer

Report adopted on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Sanders.

Police. No.17.

The Police Committee met on Friday November 11th 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts:

V.W. Haywood, Prisoner to N. Wst $3.50
San Juan Lime Co. Lime 2.00
F.X. Martin, Supplies 4.30
J.M. Stewart, Boarding 115.00
W.J. McGuigan, Medical Attendance 5.00
H. Fyfe, Salary for October 60.00
News-Advertiser, Printing 3.50
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 5.00

Thos. Dunn, Mattocks etc 5.10

We have considered the granting of Licences to Pawnbrokers and Second Hand Stores and would recommend that such Licences be grated pro-rata to the end of the year.
Sgd Jos. Mannion

I. Oppenheimer – Alexander.

Fire, Water + Light No. 28

The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Wednesday November 9th 1887 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Thos. Dunn + Co. Nails $1.50
E.W. Edward, Coal Oil 6.00
McLennan + McFeely 1.00
Robert Couth + Co. Coal 10.50
Abrams + Co. Lamps 3.90

We have instructed the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for a stable to be attached to the Fire Hall with a view of calling for tenders for the erection of same.

The City Clerk has been authorized to employ a Lamp Lighter temporarily at $1.50 per day until such time as the Electric Light is in working order and have notified the Electric Light Co. that the City will not become responsible for this payment of the goods until such time as it is proven that the street lighting will be up to the Standard, which action we trust will meet with the approval of Council.
sgd. Rich H. Alexander

Alexander – Clark

Works No. 62.

The Board of Works met on Friday November 11 and Monday Nov 14, 1887 and recommend the payment of the following accounts and estimates:

T.H. Lee, Drayage, $1.25
John Clough, $1.00
Hastings Mills, Lumber, $35.08
Wm. Harkins, 2.50
Duncan McRae, 51.23
Thos. Dunn + Co. Nails 14.85
Queen Bros., Buggies $5.00
John Gibson, Repairs 5.00
Wm. Harkins, Westminster Av. $302.22
“ “ Columbia “ 417.03
“ “ Alexander St. 930.00
“ “ Cambie “ 359.90
“ “ Powell “ 347.13
“ “ Georgia “ 575.40
McDonald + Cameron, Superior St. 97.97
“ “ Homer “ 1771.91
“ “ Dunlevy Av 119.42
Boyd + Clandenning [sic] Prior St. 722.10
“ “ Columbia Av. 1178.94
“ “ Jackson Av. 215.84
H. McDonald, Westminster Road 2147.00
Henry Bowers, Harris St. 17.11
“ “ Park Av. 224.82
W.C. Muir, Hamilton St. 449.97
J.H. West, Cemetery 28.00
J.B. McKim, Water St. 394.65


The following tenders have been received for Park Road,
Section One,
McDonald + Cameron,
Clearing etc per L. 20 ft-wide, 78 cts
“ “ “ “ 24 “ “ 85 “
Bridges per M. ft. $16.00
Culverts “ “ “ 18.00
Posts “ L. “ .12
Rustic Railing No 1, 60 cts, No 2, 45,
No 3, 25, No 4, 75, + No 5, $1.00

D.J. McDonald
Clearing etc per L. ft. 78 cts
Scantling “ M. “ 18.00
Plank laid per M. ft. $17.00
Cedar posts “ L. “ .08
Rustic Rail “ “ “ .50

Wm. Harkins,
Clearing etc 20 ft. wide per L. ft. 80 cts
“ “ 24 “ “ “ “ “ 90 cts
Timber for bridges per M. “ 17.00
Piling “ L. “ .09
Rustic “ “ “ .06

Hugh Macdonald,
Clearing etc 20 ft. wide per L. ft. 65 cts
“ “ 24 “ “ “ “ 70 “
Bridge Timber “ M. “ 14.50
Posts “ L. “ .12
Rustic “ “ “ .60
Box Culverts “ M. “ 14.00

Boyd + Clandenning [sic]
Grading etc 20 ft. per L. ft. 55 cts
“ “ 24 “ “ “ “ 64 “
Bridge Timber “ M. “ 14.00
Cedar Posts “ L. “ .08
Culverts “ M. “ 16.00
Rustic Rail “ L. “ .15

Section Two.
McDonald + Cameron,
Grading etc per L. ft. 20 ft. wide 58 cts
“ “ “ “ “ 24 “ “ 66 “
Bridge Timber per M. “ 16.00
Culvert “ “ “ “ 18.00
Posts “ L. “ .12
Rustic No. 1 60 cts
“ “ 2 45 “
“ “ 3 25 “
“ “ 4 75 “
“ “ 5 $1.00

Wm. Harkins,
Clearing etc 20 ft. wide per L. ft. 53 cts
“ “ 24 “ “ “ “ “ 56 “
Bridges “ “ M. “ 16.00
Piling “ “ L. “ .07
Rustic “ “ “ .05

D.J. McDonald,
Clearing etc per L. ft. 64 cts
Scantling “ M. “ 18.00
Plank “ “ “ 17.00
Posts “ L. “ .08
Rustic “ “ “ .50

Hugh MacDonald,
Clearing etc 20 ft. wide per L. ft. 44 cts
“ “ 24 “ “ “ “ “ 50 cts
Bridges “ M. “ 14.50
Culverts “ “ 14.50
Posts “ L. “ .12
Rustic “ “ “ .60

James Hartney,
Close cutting 33 ft. + grading etc 20 ft. 39 cts
“ “ 24 “ 43 “
Sawed Timber for Bridges per M. ft. 14.00
Hewed “ “ “ “ L. “ .09
Round “ “ “ “ “ “ .07
Rustic Rail “ “ L. “ .20

Boyd and Clandenning [sic]
Close cutting etc 20 ft. wide per L. ft. 54 cts
“ “ “ 24 “ “ “ “ “ 63 “
Bridge Lumber “ M. “ 14.00
Culvert “ “ “ “ 16.00
Posts “ L. “ .08
Rustic Rail “ “ “ .15

We recommend the acceptance of Boyd and Clandenning’s [sic] Tender for Section One and James Harney’s tender for Section Two.
We would also recommend that the road be made 20 feet wide and that an overseer be appointed at $2.50 per day to Superintend the work.
Mr. E. Mohun, Sewerage Engineer, having certified that Wm. Harkins had sufficiently completed his contract to allow of the return of his deposit of $500.00. We would recommend that the request of the contractor be granted.
We would also recommend that a five foot sidewalk be built in Dupont Street East of Westminster Av. and on Georgia Street West of Granville Street, 3000 feet in all, if the necessary funds can be provided by the Finance Committee.
Mr. Mohun appeared before the Board with reference to the Auditor’s report and explained that the amount drawn by him for Services on Sewerage account was based on the work actually done and that his estimate in favour of the contractor did not show this amount as only the work completed was shown in the monthly estimates.
Instructions were given by the Board that for the future the monthly payment on account of the Engineer’s Services should be completed on the basis of the estimate in favour of the contractor.
sgd L.A. Hamilton
Adopted Alexander – Clark.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on Health By-Law Amendments with Alderman Alexander in the Chair.

By-Law By-Law was numbered 50 and read over clause by clause,
Committee rose to report By-Law as passed with amendments.

3rd By-Law read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries.

By-Law ordered to be Gazetted and engrossed on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Mannion.


Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer
Seconded by “ Sanders,

That the Insurance on the City Hall having expired that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to apply for a renewal on behalf of the Corporation and that the City Treasurer be instructed to pay premium thereon,


Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer
Seconded “ “ Sanders,

That the City Treasurer be instructed to pay interest on $14,100.00 debenture due 15th November,
Moved by Alderman Hamilton
Seconded “ I. Oppenheimer,

That the Finance Committee be authorized to insure the Fire Hall and appliances,
Moved by Alderman Hamilton
Seconded by “ Mannion,

That the City Clerk be authorized to have printed a number of copies of the amendments to the Health By-Law,

Moved by Alderman Hamilton
Seconded by “ Humphries,

That the Finance Committee take into consideration the printing of the Street By-Law,

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer
Seconded by “ Mannion

That the Board of Works bring in a report as to the numbering of houses and naming of Streets,

The Council then adjourned.

Notice of Motion.

Alderman Mannion gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a Fire Limit By-Law

The Council then adjourned

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk