Cemetery Road to be made passable for “the upcoming wet weather” – October 27, 1890

Cemetery Road to be made passable for “the upcoming wet weather” – October 27, 1890
work on Cemetery Road (now Fraser Street) with cemetery gatehouse at left

$3,500 allocated to make the Cemetery Road passable “so that funerals can reach the cemetery…in the upcoming wet weather.” Proposal received from the Phoenix Water Works Company to lay system of underground pipes for water supply. 62 electric lights, 400 chairs, and 3 stoves to be purchased for Market Building. Draft Agreement with the Street Railway prepared by the City Solicitor is approved

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Chris Stephenson
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 86-98

Vancouver October 27, 1890

The Council met on Monday Oct 27th 1890.

Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Horne, Fox, Sentell, Costello, McLeod, and Doering.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From the City Clerk notifying the Council that two claims for labor performed on the Market building were in his hands.

From W.P. Patterson resigning his position as Police officer.

From A.C. Muir, Solicitor for M.G. McLean, serving Summons on the City to appear to at a County Court to be holden at Vancouver on the 5th Nov to answer a claim for taking the plaintiffs wood.

Referred to Board of Works.

From W.B. Ferguson of Toronto, thanking the Council for considering his application for City Engineer.
From F.M. Blomquist accepting terms imposed by the Market Committee.
From H.B. Warren, City Engineer, giving report on the break on the pipe of the V. W. W. Co.
From Hunt + Prosser asking for a crossing on Nelson + Hornby Streets.
Board of Works.
From M.C. McLean asking the Council to fix a street in 200a fronting Lot 3, Block 16.
B of Works.
From M.W. Thain Harbor Master notifying Council that there was a land slide at [incomplete sentence]
From H. Abbott Esq. et al, asking Council to grant a Concert Hall License to Mr. Wm. Crickmay.
Referred to Licensing Board.

Water Works.
The Water Works Committee met on Tuesday October 21st, 1890
Present His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Garden, Costello and Mason.
The following proposition was received from the firm of Drake, Jackson + Co:-
Vancouver, B.C. October 20, 1890
To the Mayor and Council
City of Vancouver.

On behalf of the Phoenix Water Works Company, it being their intention subject to approval by your Council to construct waterworks for the supply of the City with water, we beg to request that your Council will grant permission to the Company to lay pipes etc for the conveyance of water under the streets of the City, and to construct within the City Limits the necessary works for a water supply for the Residents of the City.

In order that the works should be thoroughly good and worthy of the City in every respect and that the City should derive full benefit therefrom in consideration of the Company supplying the City free of charge with all water necessary for public purposes and for any industries or manufacturies that might be from time to time bonused by your Council, also in consideration of the Company providing a proper and effective water pressure so that the system will be thoroughly efficient in case of fire we have to request that the City should guarantee the Debentures of the Company to the amount of $350,000 and interest thereon for a period of years, or make an advance of that amount to the Company for a period of years. If your Council agrees to guarantee the Debentures of the Company or to make the advance the whole of the property of the Company could be hypothecated to secure the due payment of the moneys.

The water rates to be charged from time to time could be regulated by your Council and the Company by mutual agreement.

We beg to request your favourable consideration of the above, as the Company wish to commence the work as soon as possible and are in a position to thoroughly satisfy your Council, as the stability + efficiency of their proposed works.
We are Yours truly
(sgd) Drake Jackson + Co.

It was resolved to recommend their proposition for acceptance with the following amendments and additions:-

1 That the amount of the guarantee be fixed at $350,000 with interest, at the rate of 4 per cent per annum extending over 40 years.

2 That the City collect all water rates on behalf of the Company and after paying the interest due on the Debentures and the annual Sinking fund and expense for collecting rates, that the surplus be paid over to the Company.

3 That the City have the right of purchase of all the Company’s plank and works at any time on payment of actual cost, thereof together with 5 per cent on that amount to the Company.

4 That all contracts for works and material used in construction be to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the City Engineer and the City Commissioners on Water Works.

sgd M. Costello.
For Chairman

That the Report be laid over.

Police. No 11

The Police Committee met on Tuesday October 21st 1890.

Present Aldermen Costello, Carroll and Mason.
It was resolved:-

1 That 10 water proof coats be purchased from Robert Clark at $9.50 each and 5 helmets from Wm. Murphy at catalogue prices with duty and freight added.

2 That J.W. Johnston’s salary be increased to $70.00 per month, he having served in the capacity of police officer for over 12 months.

3 That the Chief of Police be authorized when the occasion should arise to secure the services of a matron for the Jail, when female prisoners are incarcerated

4 That the Chief of Police be authorized to allow prisoners sentenced for six months five days off each month for good conduct.

5 That the following accounts be paid:-

J. McAllister. Repairs. $1.15

C. Nelson. Supplies. 4.75

John Sciutto “ 64.72

McDonald Bros “ .50

John McLaren. Fares. 3.00

M.G. McLeod “ 3.00

J.H. Grady “ 3.50

S.T. Tilley. Stationery 8.00

Tye + Co. Supplies. 2.75

O.W. Ellison “ 1.72

Val Straube. Badge. 2.00

Wm. Murphy. Police Clothes. 400.00

Van Volkenburgh + Bros. Meat. 19.15

We have had under consideration the claim of Shirley Keating for expenses connected with a search party on Howe Sound and from information furnished we do not consider the City liable for the payment of the claim.
sgd M. Costello.
Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by “ Carroll

That clause 4 of the Report relating to allowing prisoners time off their sentences be struck out.
Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by “ Costello.

That the balance of the Report be adopted.

Market. No 2

The Market Committee met on Wednesday October 22nd 1890.

Present Aldermen Garden, Fox and Costello.
It was resolved:-

1 That the Vancouver St Ry + Light Co. be authorized to install 62 incandescent electric lights in the Market building with all necessary fixtures except shades as per Mitchells Catalogue for the sum of $375.00; Fixture No 212 being for the sides and fixture No 1525 for the centre of the hall; all the work in the main hall to be cancelled.

2 That 400 chairs be purchased from F.W. Hart for the sum of 55 cts each, set up and fastened together as required.

3 That 3 stoves be purchased from E.S. Scoullar + Co for the sum of $67.00

(sgd) J.M. Fox.
For Chairman

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by “ Fox.

That the Report of the Market Committee be adopted.


Works. No 29.

The Board of Works met on Thursday and Friday the 23rd + 24th inst.

Present Aldermen Horned, Doering, Costello and Sentell.
It was recommended:-

1 That the crossing lifted from in front of J.M. Spinks residence on Pender St. be laid on the crossing of Pender and Thurlow, its proper location.

2 That Wm. Tierney be paid 25 cts per cubic yard for extra filling on Beach Av.

3 That the City Engineer be authorized to construct a box drain on 7th Av, as petitioned for by Geo. T. Craig.

4 That a sidewalk be laid on Hornby Street between Georgia and Dunsmuir Sts if there are funds enough remaining to the credit of the street.

5 That a By-Law be introduced to provide for the clearing of District Lot 184 as petitioned for by Thos. Whetham et al.

6 That H.F. Keefer be paid the balance due him on the Market building, less $25.00 to be retained until the roof is repaired.

7 That the City Engineer be instructed to have drains constructed on both sides of Columbia Av from Oppenheimer St. to False Creek to drain the low lands.

8 That all claims for damages for lowering the grade on Oppenheimer and Princess Streets be laid over until a similar case now before the Court and New Westminster is decided.

9 That a box drain be laid in the lane in Block 57. 196, which will carry all the water off that portion of Hastings Street facing this Block.

10 That as the wet weather is coming on, and as the cemetery road is almost impassable, and as it is absolutely necessary that the same be made passable so that funerals can reach the cemetery, therefore be it resolved that the Finance Committee be requested to furnish about $3,500.00 to put some in a proper state of repair and that the Government be requested to reimburse the City for this expenditure as it is a Government road; and further that the City Clerk be instructed to call for tenders for having the work done, if the Council approves of the expenditure.

11 That the City Engineer be instructed to get about 550 feet of pipe for the proposed sewer on Abbott St; also that he be authorized to have the logs and stumps removed and the road made passable on 7th Av between Quebec St + Ontario St, and that he replank the bridge on Westminster Road opposite the School house.

12 That no claims for wages be paid on the Bunker contract until after the completion of the work now almost at an end, as advised by the City Solicitor.

13 That the Board of Works accept the offer of the Gas Co and take for use on the streets the surplus cinders from their works.

14 That tenders be called for the construction of a 6 ft. sidewalk on Oppenheimer St. from Campbell Av to Raymur Av.

15 That the City Engineer be instructed to repair Cordova St. from Granville St. to the Wharf.

16 That the amended grade for Princess St. submitted by the City Engineer be adopted provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the contractor.

17 That the Street Inspector be authorized to cut down dangerous trees on Westminster Av + Dufferin St and place the Market Scales in the position indicated by the Committee.

18 That the following accounts be paid:-

Wm. Tierney. Beach Av. $552.11

do “ “ (extras) 192.75

V. W. W. Co. Market Connections 27.34

“ Fountain 11.75

John Telford. Drake St. [page is cut off here]

Alex McDonald. Burrard St: $324.00

H. Connacher. Seymour St: 226.80

do Keefer St: 185.24

Muir + Johnston. Smyth St: 191.11

McDonald + Lloyd. Cambie St: 280.50

A.D. McDonald. Hawkes Av. 191.40

H. Nichol. Harris St: 616.50

W.D. Hobson. Prior St: 244.93

McLean Bros. 12th Av. 54.00

D.H. Morgan. Victoria St: 241.00

M. McIntyre. 9th Av. 131.82

D. Gibbons. Westminster Av. 212.40

Urquhart + Morris. Cemetery Rd. 284.78

J. Mitchell. Blacksmithing 2.15

A. Godfrey + co. Supplies. 1.25

19 That as the crossing of Granville St Bridge by the Street Railway Co is not in the original contract with the said Co, we recommend that the City Solicitor be instructed to make a draft of a new contract and submit same with this report:

sgd. J.W. Horne.

Draft of Agreement:

This Indenture made the ___ day of _____ 1890 between the City of Vancouver named in the annexed Agreement bearing date the 11th day of February 1889 who for itself, its successors and assigns is hereafter called “the City” of the one part; and the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Company, Limited Liability, successor to the Vancouver Street Railway Company, Limited Liability, also named in the said agreement who for itself, its successors and assigns, is hereafter called “the Company” of the other part.

Witnesseth, that whereas by the said Indenture of Agreement hereto annexed, the City for the consideration therein appearing, does give and grant into the Company, on the condition and subject to the restrictions as therein set forth the right to construct and maintain a Street Railway over and along certain streets within the City of Vancouver therein mentioned; and whereas the Company is desirous of constructing and extending the said Street Railway on certain other streets, hereafter more particularly described within the said City, and has requested the City to consent to its constructing and extending the said Street Railway as aforesaid.

And whereas the City has consented to give and grant unto the Company, on the same terms and subject to the same covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained and set out in the before recited Indenture of Agreement; and on the conditions and covenants hereafter contained, the right to construct and maintain the said Street Railway, as requested.

Now this Indenture witnesseth; that in consideration of the promises and of such consent as aforesaid, the City does hereby grant unto the Company the right; full permission and authority to construct, equip, maintain and operate the said Street Railway under its charter, and in accordance with said agreement; along and over the following streets:- that is to say:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of Dufferin Street with Westminster Avenue, thence Southerly along Westminster Avenue to its intersection with Ninth Avenue, thence Westerly along Ninth Avenue to its intersection with Granville Street South (or Centre Street) thence Northerly along Granville (or Centre) Street to the South end of the Bridge over False Creek, thence along an open extension or addition to said Bridge to a point twenty feet or thereabouts, South of the South end of the present swing of said bridge, thence across said swing to a point twenty feet North of the North end of said swing thence by an open extension or addition to said bridge to the North end thereof and thence North to connect with the present back of said Railway on Granville Street; the said open extension or addition to said bridge shall be constructed by the Company in harmony with the present structure, of such width as it may deem suitable for the use of its hacks and cars and in a substantial and workmanlike manner; and shall be securely attached to or connected with the present bridge and may be built on whichever side of said bridge the Company may elect with the approval of the City Engineer.

The said extension or additions to the said bridge shall be for the exclusive use of the Company except at such times as the old bridge may be undergoing repairs, in which event the said extension or addition may be planked by the City at its own cost; and used by the public.

Moved by Alderman Fox.
Seconded by “ Sentell.

That the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the Report and agreement.
Alderman Horne was appointed Chairman

The Report and agreement was read over clause by clause and reported back to Council as complete without amendment:

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by “ Costello.

That the Report and agreement be adopted as read.

Introduction of By-Laws.

Alderman Sentell introduced a By-Law to compel owners of land to clear same of inflammable material which was read a first time

Alderman Costello introduced a By-Law to amend the Market By-Law which was read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by “ Horne.

“That the Chairman of the Finance Committee be authorized to sign the accounts passed for payment by the different committees during the week.


Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by “ Carroll.

“That the resignation of W.S. Patterson as one of the Police Force be accepted.”


Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by “ Costello.

That the following labor accounts be paid:-

B. Romang et al. $332.08

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman McLeod.

That a certified return be furnished weekly to the Council by the Chief of Police showing what particular street lamps have not been lighted during the previous week with the dates when each lamp was not lighted.

Moved by Alderman Costello,
Seconded by “ Fox.

That the salary of H.B. Warren be fixed at $2,500.00 per annum payable monthly dating from the 1st of Oct 1890, as per his application

Consideration of By-Laws.

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by “ Doering.

That the By-Law regulating the selection of Civic officials be read a second time.


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law. Alderman Fox in the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Horne
Seconded by “ Carroll.

That the By-Law be ready six months hence.

Yea. Horne, Carroll, Costello, Browning + Doering
Nay. McLeod + Sentell.

The Committee then rose without reporting.

Moved by Alderman Browning,
Seconded by “ Doering.

That the By-Law to close the lane in Block 74. 196 be read a 2nd time


The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law, Alderman Browning in the Chair.

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported back to Council as complete without amendment.

Moved by Alderman Browning,
Seconded by “ Doering.

That the By-Law be read a 3rd time.

Moved by Alderman Costello,
Seconded by “ Doering.

That the Rules be suspended and the By-Law amending By-Law No 7 104 read a 2nd time

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law, Alderman Costello in the Chair.

After reading the By-Law over it was thought best to withdraw it. Consequently the Committee rose without reporting.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by “ Sentell

That the By-Law amending the Fire Limits By-Law be read a second time


Notices of Motion.

Alderman Costello gave notice:-

(1) That he would introduce a By-Law to amend the Liquor License By-Law for granting power to issue a license for a Concert Hall, or one more restaurant license:-

(2) That he would introduce a By-Law to guarantee the Bonds of the Phoenix Water Works Co. to the extent of $350,000 bearing interest at 4 per cent per annum and extending over a period of 40 years, conditional on said Co. giving the citizens an efficient water service, terms in accordance with water works report.

The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk