Water Works price to be set at arbitration – October 31, 1890

The amount to be paid by the Vancouver for the Water Works to be determined by an independent arbitration.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer Chris Stephenson
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pg 99 only

Vancouver Oct. 31st, 1890.

The Council held a special meeting on Friday October 31st 1890 for the purpose of considering the Report of the Water Works Committee.

Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Fox, Sentell, Costello, McLeod and Doering.

The Report of the Committee read and laid over at a previous meeting of Council was considered and it was resolved.

“That the amount to be paid as the value to the City of the Water Works Company’s plant and system, shall be fixed by arbitration. The arbitration to be held and conducted independently of the provisions of the either the Acts of the Incorporation of the City or the Company.
That the City appoint one Arbitrator and the Company another, the two Arbitrators so appointed to appoint an umpire.
The Arbitration to be closed within two months from the date of agreement to arbitrate. In the event of the Company agreeing to the above the City will pay 10 % on the amount awarded in addition by way of bonus to the Company. A reply is requested from your Company within a week from date, as the City has certain offers made for the construction of Water Works by another Company”


The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk