Swing Span for Granville Street Bridge considered- September 13, 1897

Swing Span for Granville Street Bridge considered- September 13, 1897

The Board of Works held a special meeting with local experts to discuss the question of the proposed new swing span for the Granville Street bridge. Motions were passed to have thistles removed and trees overhanging city sidewalks trimmed to regulation height. The Acting Mayor was empowered to call a by-election in Ward 5 due to the death of Alderman Coldwell, and a letter of condolence was sent to his widow.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer  Joanne McCormick

Illustration: CVA SGN 893
Granville Bridge c 1895

Original handwritten minutes COV S31 Vol 8, pages 1-7
To see photos of handwritten minutes, click on the buttons below (2 parts)

[Volume 8, Page 1]

The Council met on Monday September 13th 1897
Present: Acting Mayor Brown and Aldermen Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, W.S. MacDonald and D.G. McDonald. The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From the Chief of Police Stewart reporting on the {number of} electric lights {burning}. Filed.

From R.A. Musket, complaining about water not being laid to his premises {in Fairview}. Filed.

From A. Williams making a proposition to erect a smelter in Vancouver on behalf of Mr. Remington. Laid Over.

From J.R. Anderson, Deputy Minster of Agriculture drawing attention to the fact that thistles were not being cut in {the streets & gardens of} Vancouver. Laid over for motions.

From Brackman & Ker {Milling Company}, asking permission to erect sheds {on Hastings Street} to protect their wagons. Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. G. F. Clinton etal, asking for a street light at St. James Church. Referred to the Light Committee.

From A. S. Eaton complaining about the conduct of the Health Inspector. Referred to the Health Committee.

[Volume 8, Page 2]

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday September 10th 1897
Present: the full Board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
BC Electric Rly Co lights $1501.11
Telephone Co rents $38.35
John Michael taxes deport ranch (?) $11.35
The World P&P Co ads $32.73
Clarke & Stuart supplies $71.54
James Carnahan labor $8.85
Robertson & Hackett supplies $71.54
Z. Franks jack screws $2.00
A. A. Book insurance $62.50
News Advertiser supplies $33.85


From D. Oppenheimer suggesting that the CPR right of way be exempted from taxation as an encouragement to the Company to erect terminal buildings and additional wharves. Laid over.

From John Kerr asking for the return of $50.00 paid by him in 1895 for a peddler’s license. Laid over.

From Walter Boult submitting an account for the rent of the Dunn Hall for receiving the Scientists. Laid over for enquiries.

From Bowser & Christie, asking for the payment of an account claimed to be due Dr. Metherell. Filed.

The question of the appointment of an assessor was brought up. It was resolved to call for applications….

[Volume 8, Page 3]

…..for filling the position, the remuneration to be fixed at $150.00, his duties to consist in taking the Census and entering up the names of tenants and value of improvements on the Assessment Roll.

Resolved that the Fire Underwriters be approached with a view of getting the insurance rates reduced in the City seeing that we have now an efficient fire equipment and an ample supply of water.

Signed James McQueen, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Water and Market Committee

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday September 8th 1897.
Present: the full Board

It was resolved to lay a 4” pipe on Lorne Street if the number of houses warrant it and also to lay a temporary pipe over Bute Street to connect with Beach Avenue.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

W. Thurston & Sons supplies $1.00
BC Iron Works Co supplies $522.06
Clarke & Stuart supplies $9.15
News Advertiser supplies $16.00
James Carnahan scavengering $1.50
McRae & Hall supplies $5.25
G.A. Roedde supplies $20.50
F.W. Boultbee duty paid $3.45
Water Works Pay Roll labor $538.50

Signed William Brown, Chairman

[Volume 8, Page 4]

Moved by Alderman Neelands; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 9th {September} 1897.
Present: Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McPhaiden, W. S. MacDonald and D. G. McDonald.

A deputation consisting of Messsrs T. E. Barnett, Captain Bridgman, Captain McDowell, Captain McLeod, H.J. Cambie, C.E. Captain Thomson, E. Evans, R.C. Ferguson, Ex Alderman Hackett, attended the meeting of the Board to discuss the question of the proposed new swing span at Granville Street bridge, recommended by the City Engineer.

It was generally considered both the Granville Street and Cambie Street bridges were too low. After a lengthy discussion the deputation were informed that the Board would give the question very careful consideration before any action was taken and thanked them for their various suggestions.


From G.R. Maxwell, Esq M.P. expressing his regrets at being unable to attend the meeting of the Board re Granville Street Bridge and stating his willingness to cooperate in any way desired.

From R.A. Muskett re broken plank in front of Tiny Dog Store. Foreman Ward 3 to attend to.

From R.A. Muskett re two chimneys which are dangerous at back of Tiny Dog Store. Already attended to.

From petitioners re grading on Raymur Avenue. Foreman to attend to what is necessary.

[Volume 8, Page 5]

From Dr. McAlpine complaining of injury to his premises on account of sidewalk being lowered on bush side of Westminster Avenue. Referred to City Solicitor for his opinion.

From the Chief of Police in reference to the removal of the verandah at Tremont Hotel on Carrall Street. Referred to the City Solicitor for his advice.

From H.B. Connacher complaining of stones replaced on his premises corner of 9th Avenue and Carolina Street by the men laying water pipes. Referred to Alderman D.G. McDonald to look into.

From Johnson & Burnet, asking that the brush on 8th Avenue and Alder Street be cut down. Foreman Ward 5 already notified.

J. Calori submitted a plan of proposed building to be erected by him on Lot 6, Block 7, DL 196 Powell Street. Resolved that the plan be passed subject to being found by the Engineer to conform to the requirements of the Fire Limit By-Law.

From A. Kith Ledger, asking for a 3-plank sidewalk to his house 9th Ave. Referred to Alderman D.G. McDonald.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Thomas Dunn & Co supplies $129.24
Robertson & Hackett supplies $225.07
Vancouver City Foundry supplies $116.19
J.G. Jonah steam roller $5.00
Clarke & Stuart supplies $9.03
R.C.P. Mills supplies $321.27
S. Echuis etal labor $887.75

Signed H.J. Painter, Chairman

[Volume 8, Page 6]

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald
That the Report be adopted. Carried.


Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That Alderman Neelands be granted one month’s leave of absence. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman Townley
That the Acting Mayor be authorized to issue a writ for a new election in Ward 5 to fill the vacancy on the Aldermanic Board in said Ward caused by the death of Alderman Coldwell. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden; Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the following accounts be paid:
William Cross etal hospital work $18.00 Carried.

Moved by Alderman Neelands; Seconded by Alderman D.G. McDonald
That the following account be paid:
G. Griffiths bridge repairs $802.52 Carried.

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman Townley
That the Board of Works five instructions to have shade trees overhanging the sidewalks trimmed to the required height as provided by the By-Laws of the City. Carried.

[Volume 8, Page 7]

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the City Engineer be appointed to oversee the cutting down of thistles in the different Wards of the City. Carried.

Alderman CA Coldwell, CVA 371-2915
Obituary from the Vancouver Daily World September 11 1897 page 4

Moved by Alderman McQueen; Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a letter of condolence to be presented to the widow and family of the late Alderman Coldwell as a mark of respect testifying to the high esteem in which he was held by the Mayor and his brother Aldermen. Carried.

The City Clerk was instructed to gather further information in relation to the importation of singing birds into British Columbia. {It was thought that they may suffer on account of the number of crows}.

The Council then adjourned.

W. Templeton

Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk Mayor


Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily World Newspaper; City Council, September 14th 1897, pg 3