No raised sidewalk for Cordova Street – September 27, 1886

No raised sidewalk for Cordova Street – September 27, 1886

Property owners on Cordova Street not allowed to have the sidewalk built 18 inches above the road, but they may build steps connecting the sidewalk up to their buildings. Board of Works to make sure that the wharf at the foot of Cambie Street is strong enough to hold the Fire Engine at low tide.

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 117-121

Vancouver Sept 27th 1886

The Council met on Monday September 27th 1886 at 7.30 P.M.

Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Balfour, Coldwell, Dunn, Griffith, Humphries and E.P. Hamilton.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

A petition was sent in by the property owners on Cordova Street praying the Council to allow them to have their sidewalks 18 inches above the planking in the Centre of the Street.

by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that the petition of the property owners on Cordova Street be not entertained but that they be allowed to build steps up to their buildings under the Supervision of the City Engineer.

A petition from the property owners on Alexander Street praying the Council to extend the sidewalks under construction to Dunlevy Avenue, referred to the Board of Works.

A Communication was read from the Provincial Superintendent of Police demanding payment for Shackels (sic), handcuffs etc now in possession of the City.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Humphries that the matter be laid over until the Chief of Police has communicated with Mr. Bayeraft. Carried.

The Following accounts were read.
Dr. McGuigan
To attendance on F. Hughes $5.00 B. of H.
To two visits to Mrs. Huspet 5.00 B. of H.
To 14 visits to Jas Campbell 35.00 B. of H.
John Patterson, To cutting trees on
200 A @ 3.00 21.00 B. of W.
Vancouver Daily News, Printing 5.25 Finance
Gilmore & Clark, Police outfit 235.00 P. Com.
John G. Brunte, To digging grave 5.00 B. of H.
Vair & Miller, to Lamps etc 13.90 F. W. L.
Geo. E. Griffith, attending Campbell 10.00 B. of H.
F. W. Hart, Furniture 11.45 Finance


The Board of Works met on Monday September 27th 1886 at 3.30 P.M.

The account of E. Leacome for $3.00 for work done on Alexander Street was recommended to be paid.

The following petitions certified to by the City Clerk as containing the proper number of signatures were laid before the Board for consideration.

(1) The Improvements of
Powell Street from Carrall Street to Campbell Avenue.
(2) Westminster Avenue from Alexander Street to False Creek Bridge.
(3) Oppenheimer Street from Carrall Street to Jackson Avenue.

And we recommend these petitions to the favorable (sic) consideration of Council with the following amendments.

That sidewalks be constructed on Powell Street on one side only from Jackson Avenue to Campbell Avenue.

That Sidewalks on Oppenheimer Street be 8 feet wide from Carroll Street to Westminster Avenue and six feet from Westminster Avenue to Jackson Avenue.

And that Westminster Avenue have sidewalks on each side 8 feet wide from Alexander street to Hastings Street and four feet wide and on the West side only from Hastings Street to False Creek Bridge, grading to be 24 feet wide.

We also recommend to the Council that an application be made to the Government for a free grant of the following described tract of land for a Public Cemetary (sic) for the City of Vancouver.
Commencing at the intersection of the West boundary of the North Arm Road with the South boundary of Lot 392, thence South along the North Arm Road 25 chains, thence West 10 chains, thence North 25 chains, thence East 10 chains to the place of commencement containing 25 acres.
sgd E.P. Hamilton
Chairman pro tem

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Balfour that the report of the Board of Works be adopted with the exception that Clause relating to the width of Westminster Avenue South of Hastings Street be changed from four to eight feet. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Coldwell that Alderman E.P. Hamilton be authorized to hire a team to draw lumber for the construction of side walk on Alexander Street. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Coldwell that the Board of Works be authorized to have Columbia Avenue, Cleared, ditched and sidewalks built on each side eight feet wide.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman Balfour that the Board of Works be instructed to call for tenders immediately for the work contemplated in the petitions for the improvement of Powell, Oppenheimer and Westminster and Columbia Avenues. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Contract between the Corporation and Messrs. McDonald and Cameron for the improvement of Hastings Street between Howe Street and Westminster Avenue.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Dunn, that the Board of Works be empowered to call for tenders for the painting of the City Buildings and set the contract. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Dunn
That the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Surveyor General and request a copy of the original field notes relative to the Survey of the Old Granville Townsite and appoint a Surveyor to settle the questions of the boundaries of Carrall Street. Carried.

The Mayor requested the Chairman of the F. W. L. to call a meeting of his Committee for Wednesday next at 3.P.M.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Coldwell that the Board of Works be instructed to see that the Wharf at the foot of Carrall Street be placed in a fit condition suitable for the Fire Engine at low water and that the same be seen to immediately.

Moved by Alderman Dunn seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that the Council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday Oct 5th 1886 at 7.30.P.M. Carried.

L.A. Hamilton

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk.