City band gets $400 for musical instruments – July 14, 1890

City band gets $400 for musical instruments – July 14, 1890

$400 set aside to purchase musical instruments to form a city band as petitioned. City was advised by legal counsel to have the morgue moved away from its present location. As CPR has donated half a city block for a school in the eastern part of the City, Council decides to buy adjoining lots as a school recreation ground.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez
and sponsored by Arnold Silber

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 450-465

[volume 3 page 450]

The Council met on Monday July 14th 1890 at 8 P.M.

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Browning, Carroll, Garden, Fox, Sentell, McLeod, Costello, Mason and Doering

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the City Solicitor: Submitting Market By-Law.

From the City Solicitor: giving an opinion re Closing Barber Shops on Sundays.
Referred to Finance Committee

From the City Solicitor informing Council that they acted legally in stopping the Salary of Abray.

From D. J. McDonald asking payment for work done on City Wharf last year.
Referred to Finance Committee

From M. J. Henry et al Market Gardeners requesting to have an interview with the Council re the Market By-Law.
Referred to Police Committee

From C.S. Douglas, Sec’y of the Vancouver and Lulu Island Electrical Railway and Land Improvement Company asking Council to grant them the privilege of running their St Ry through certain streets.
Referred to the City Solicitor

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From J. S. Magladry et al complaining about their water supply being cut off on Princess Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From H. L. Ceperley, Secy Treas. Of the Street Ry Co. asking permission to extend their lines on Westminster Av to Ninth Ave thence along Ninth Av to Centre Street, thence along Centre Street to Granville Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Irving acknowledging resolution of thanks passed by Council re placing the steamer “Yosemite” at the disposal of the Citizens.

From Owen Evan Thomas complaining of the conduct of the Pound Keeper.
Referred to Police Committee

From the P.O. Inspector submitting an account for $1.25 for removing a Post Office Box on Granville Street.

From the Secy of the Vancouver St Ry & Light Co notifying Council that the lighting of the Streets under the new system commenced July 3rd 1890.
Referred to F. W. & L. Committee

From Thos. Fitzpatrick complaining about the conduct of the Pound Keeper.
Referred to Police Committee

From Hayes & McIntosh offering a site to the City for the erection of a Crematory.
Referred to Health Committee

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From Wm. Barker et al praying Council to construct a sidewalk on Dunlevy Avenue from Hastings to Princess Streets.
Referred to Board of Works

From W. W. Johnson, Manager of Dun Lemain & Co regarding article in Journal of Commerce re Vancouver Business Houses.

From the City Solicitor notifying Council that he had completed the consolidation of the ByLaws and Charter and asking for further instructions.
Referred to Charter Committee

From the Secy of the School Board recommending Council to pass a resolution urging the Government to buy the east half of Block 74.196.

F. W. & L. No. 1

The Fire Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday July 9th 1890.
Present Aldermen Fox, McLeod and Carroll.

We beg to recommend: –
1. That the following accounts be paid:
G. L. Thomas, attendance on horse $4.00
James Foley, drayage 1.50
H. McDowell & Co vitriol $43.00
[volume 3 page 453]
John Scuitto, supplies $11.43
R. B. Mc Micking, fire alarm 1644.50
Crowder & Penzer, Supplies 64.40
Van Elec Ry & Light Co lights 295.70
Van Water Works Co Rates 84.83

2. That a gas burner be placed under the Engine in Fire Hall No 1 at a cost not to exceed $12 for installation.

3. That the Fire Alarm System erected by the California Electrical Works in this City be accepted subject to a Bond given Satisfactory to the City Solicitor for $600, said works having been tested to the satisfaction of this Board and was found, according to contract.

4. That the Vancouver Water Works Co. be allowed the rebate of 20 per cent on their taxes if same is not paid by the first of August, pending the settlement of their account for hydrant rent by the City.

5. That sufficient lumber be furnished the Chief of the Fire Department to erect doors and platforms in the rear of the firehalls leading to the years, so that the horses may be exercised.

6. That an amount not to exceed $75.00 be appropriated for the purchase of certain articles for the better equipment of the Fire Alarm System.

7. That the Bond prepared by the City Solicitor between the City and R. B. McMicking guaranteeing the proper working of the Fire Alarm be approved and forwarded for signature.
Sgd J. M. Fox,

volume 3, page 454]

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Bond with Mr. Mc Micking be increased to $600.00

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the report as amended be adopted.

Finance No. 18

The Finance Committee met on Friday July 4th and 11th 1890.
Present Aldermen Browning, Fox, Garden and Costello
We beg to recommend: –

1. That the following accounts be paid:
Stephen Green, Messenger $4.00
News Advertiser, Printing 56.25
D. Burton Hack hire 10.00
Kent and Talcost, Refund 100.00
C. Goodmurphy 110.00
W.J. Armstrong, Warrant 16.03
Bank of B.C. overdraft 4.40
Queen Bros. Hack hire 30.00
Mc Lennan & Mc Feely, Supplies 7.00
Chas. Nelson 3.00
T.O. Townley, Plan 5.00
News Advertiser, Receipts 30.00

2. That an amount not to exceed $700 be set aside by Council for the purchase of a set of Instruments for the City Band in accordance with the petition presented to Council an on conditions to be laid down by this Committee.

3. That the World Printing and
[volume 3 page 455]
Publishing Co be allowed $18.67 for publishing Mr. Schussler’s Report in the Weekly World.

4. That $15,000 be paid to the Vancouver Improvement Co. For Lots 1.2.3., and piece of land adjoining described, as 4. in Block 47. District Lot: 181, as per agreement; on delivery of title deeds satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

5. That the Reports from the Health, Fire Water and Light and Works Committees be confirmed.
Sgd J. M Browning

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

Health No. 11

The Health Committee met on Tuesday July 8th 1890. Present Aldermen Fox, McLeod and Carroll. Alderman Carroll in the Chair.
We beg to recommend: –

1. That the following accounts be paid: –
W.J. Taylor, Burials $14.00
Wm. Forwell, Milk 35.04
Bailey and Neelands Stationery 5.35
Van City Foundry 1.00
Frank Graham Chimney Sweeping 9.00
Van Volkenberg & Bro Meat 38.92
H. McDowell & Co Drugs 115.94
O. Toole & Ralph, Connections 13.60
Dr. MacGuigan, Inquests etc.
[Volume 3 page 456] 40.00
Hudson’s Bay Co. Supplies $8.25
John Scuitto 58.90
Davis & Taylor Glazing 7.25
Union S. S. Co. Rent 7.50
R. L. Winch Supplies 7.94

On motion of Alderman McLeod, decided by the Casting Vote of the Chairman, the consideration of an increase in salary for Miss Swan was laid over until there was a full meeting of the Board.
The Communication from R. G. Tatlow in reference to Chinese nuisances in Stanley Park was laid over, the Board feeling that they had no power at present to deal with the case.

The City Solicitor having advised the Board of health to have the Morgue removed to a point nearer Pender Street, we recommend that this advice be carried into effect, if the location recommended is found satisfactory on examination.
Sgd. W. H. Mason

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Health Report be adopted.

Report of the Sugar Refinery Committee
The Sugar Refinery Committee met on Friday July 11th, 1890.
Present Aldermen Garden, Costello

[Volume 3 page 457]

and Browning.

That the final estimate in favour of Messrs. Leatherdale and McDonald for the Sugar Refinery Wharf, amounting to $715.11 passed for payment; subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and Mr. Rogers. Carried.
Sgd. James F. Garden
Moved by Alderman Costello Seconded by Alderman Fox
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Works: No. 18
The Board of Works met on Thursday July 3rd and 10th 1890.
Present Aldermen Horne, Doering, Browning, Costello and Sentell. We beg to recommend: –
1. That the Gurney Cab and Delivery Co be allowed to occupy the following streets for cab stands:-
a. On Westminster Avenue between Hasting and Princess Streets on East Side
b. On the east side of Abbott St between Cordova and Water Streets
c. Seymour Street between Hastings and Pender
d. Georgia St between Granville & Seymour

2. That tenders be called for the Sidewalking of Cambie Street on West Side from Georgia to Smithe

3. That the question of the erection of the Fountain at the corner of Hastings
[Volume 3 page 458]
& Carrall Streets be referred back to Council as said site is not considered suitable for the purpose.

4. That the Street Contractors be notified by the City Engineer to push their work to completion or the terms of their contracts will be immediately put in force.

5. That the following accounts be paid:-
John Costello, Work on Pound $20.00
David Gibbons Box Drain
Westminster Ave. 154.35
Boyd & Co. Hornby St. 599.40
Leatherdale & McDonald, Hospital 48.15
W.C. Muir, Grading 41.20
A. J. Francis & Co. Hack hire 5.00
H. Keefer, Sewers 3682.43
Do Box Drains 274.74
Murray and Fraser,
Oppenheimer St. 396.90
Leatherdale & McDonald,
North Arm Road 106.00
H. Connacher, 9th Av. 23.05
do Burrard St. 12.00
John Telford, Homer St. 92.00
do Helmcken St. 149.75
Leatherdale & McDonald,
Georgia St 80.60
do, Burrard 451.92
John C. Murchie, Lansdowne St. 172.80
McLennan & McFeely, Supplies 3.70
H.A. Burke, Salary 11.55
D. Gibbons,
Westminster Av. Box Drain 125.31

6. That the petition of J. W. McFarland et al petitioning for the grading of Gore Avenue be laid over as there are no funds for such work and is not in the Estimates.

7. The petitions from F. Landsberg et al re Oppenheimer Street and H. E. McKee et al re the Bridge across False

[Volume 3 page 459]

Creek were received and filed.

8. That the following tenders be accepted:-
13th Av. West: D.J. McDonald
Davie Street do
Howe Street Sidewalk do
Beach Avenue, Grading Wm. Tierney
Robson St. Box Drain Costello & McDonald
Princess St. Sidewalk H. Connacher
Pender St. Sidewalk C.H. Lloyd
Pender St. Sidewalk do
Seymour St. Sidewalk do
6th Av. Sidewalk Leatherdale & McDonald
12th Av. Grading Daniel H. Morgan
11th Av Sidewalk W. C. Muir

9. That $50.85 be placed to the credit of the North Arm Road leading to the Cemetery to cover the additional cost of coating the corduroy with earth, said amount being in excess of the amount originally appropriated by Council.

10. That the City Engineer be instructed to give the Sanitary Engineer the grades of the lanes in the following blocks viz:- In Blocks 30. 31. 32. 40. 41 & 42 in 541 and in Blocks 2. 3. 16 & 17 in 185.

11. That the Street Inspector be empowered to engage good men at $2.25 per day for such time as may be required to lay and repair plank crossings on the streets where necessary.

12. That Centre Street be graded full width to 9th Avenue in accordance with the registered plan and that the City Engineer be authorized to arrange with Messrs. Boyd & Clandenning for the alternation of their contract to cover cost of same, and that the

[Volume 3, page 460]

work be commenced at once.

13. That the City Engineer examine and report upon the cost of what work is required on the road leading to the Cemetery.

14. That the parties building the sidewalk on Howe Street between Nelson & Robson Streets be instructed to continue the same to Georgia St at the same price and that a crossing and connection be made with Granville St. on Robson St.

Sgd. M. Costello for Chairman

Moved by Alderman Fox
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That Clause 3 of Report relating to the Fountain be struck out.

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That the balance of the Report be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That a By-Law be introduced to regulate the Market place and Weigh Scales.

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Market By-Law be published at once in the World.
[Volume 3 page 461]

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Garden
That the following labor accounts be paid:-
H Romang et al 140.50
Do 130.85

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Costello
That in view of the proposed erection by the Government of a Public School House upon Block 74. In 196. Steps be taken to have that portion of the lane in said Block proposed to be built upon, closed.

Moved by Alderman McLeod
Seconded by Alderman Fox
That Victoria Street be graded from 14th Ave near the City Boundary to Powell Street; it being the first through street registered east of the Clark Park.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Garden Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the matter be laid over for one week.
Amendment lost; motion carried 3-6.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the City Solicitor’s opinion be asked that in the event of any street surveyed by the City Engineer and improved under his direction, and it is afterwards discovered that such Street is wrongly located whether the City would not be compelled to place such street in its proper position and liable for any damages incurred by any errors.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Browning
That the Brockton Point Athletic Club be given the sole control
of the funds let them for the improvement of their grounds subject to the approval of the Board of Works and City Engineer.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Mason
That a Committee Composed of Aldermen McLeod, Garden, Horne be appointed to meet and confer with the Market Gardeners in order to get their views to assist in framing the By-Law governing the Market.

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Browning
That the B.C. Refining Co. be allowed to reduce that part of Boundary Avenue adjoining their property and lying between the Canadian Pacific Railway Co’s Right of Way and Burrard Inlet; to the same level as the railway track provided sufficient land is left to form a natural slope, which will prevent the adjoining lot to the east being affected.

Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That an advertisement be inserted in the Vancouver
Newspapers and the leading newspapers of the Principal Cities of Eastern Canada, inviting

[Volume 3, page 463]

applications for the position of Engineer in Chief for this City; applicants to furnish references and testimonials of fitness for the combined duties of sanitary and general engineer.

Moved by Alderman Costello
Seconded by Alderman Mason

Whereas a copy of certain resolutions, passed by the Vancouver School Board, at a meeting held this day, has been received by this Council together with a request for its Co-operation in order to obtain adequate space for the requisite school accommodation in the eastern portion of this City
And whereas it is also the opinion of this Council that it is necessary to secure an entire block of land, adequate for School purposes in that district And whereas the Canadian Pacific Railway has graciously
donated to the Government for School purposes the Western half of Block 74, 196
And whereas the building proposed to be erected thereon will cover so large a proportion of the area of the western half of Block 74, that the remaining space will be too small for the purposes of recreation
And whereas by reason of the said gift of land by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the proceeds of the sale of the old school property and the balance that will remain from the $2200 building fund there will remain in the hands of the Government a sum sufficient to purchase the remaining easterly half

[Volume 3 page 464]

of Said Block 74
An whereas had it not been for the generous action of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Government could have been under the necessity of purchasing the westerly half of said block 74 for School premises and have thereby saved the amount which it will cost to buy the said easterly half of said Block 74
And whereas the Vancouver School Board respectfully requests the Government to purchase the additional lands required for School purposes

Be it resolved

That this Council hereby expresses its approval of said resolutions passed by the Vancouver School Board and begs to impress upon the Government the necessity of purchasing the easterly half of Block 74 for School premises
And further be it resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to
forward a copy of this resolution to the Hon. John Robson, Provincial Secretary and to each of the two members representing this City.
Carried, Alderman Browning dissenting

Moved by Alderman Garden
Seconded by Alderman Mason
That the reduction of the grades on Richards and Seymour
Streets crossings on Hastings Street be referred to the Board of Works with power to act.

[Volume 3 page 465]

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Browning
Seconded by Alderman McLeod
That the By-Law to amend By-Laws Nos 79 & 84, known as Trades License By-Laws be read a 2nd time.

The By-Law was accordingly read a second time.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Law with Alderman Browning in the Chair.
In Committee the By-Law was read over clause by clause, and reported back to Council as complete with amendments. The By-Law was then read a third time on motion of Alderman Browning, seconded by Alderman Sentell and passed.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Garden gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a motion to the effect that the Report of the Board of Works in every case be laid over for one week from the time of its being read for the consideration of the members of Council before being finally acted upon.
The Council then adjourned.

J. M Browning
Thos. McGuigan City Clerk