Two Bicycles Purchased for Vancouver Police – May 15, 1899

Two Bicycles Purchased for Vancouver Police – May 15, 1899

Resolved that two bicycles be purchased for the Police Force viz one Gendrow at $50.00 and one Massey Harris at $52.50. James Clandenning was appointed Inspector on the Street Railway Construction on Denman Street at a Salary of $3.50 per day. At least two companies offered prices for street sprinkling (to keep the dust down) for the summer of 1899.

Council Offers Court House Free Water For A Fountain – August 14, 1899

Council Offers Court House Free Water For A Fountain – August 14, 1899

R. J. Skinner asked the Water and Market Committee for reduced water rates for Court House grounds. The Committee “[did] not see their way to make any reduction.” However, Council as a whole offered to Provincial Government offering free water for the Court House grounds “provided a suitable fountain is erected thereon”. Illustration shows the Court House on Hastings St in 1893.

Council Split Over $2,000 Settlement Offer – July 17, 1899

In June of 1898, the steamship Laurada had caused considerable damage to Vancouver’s Water Works. Aldermen Grant, Gilmour, McQueen, McPhaiden and Foreman were in favour of an offer to settle “all proceedings and action against the steamship…upon payment of the said sum of $2000, … to be paid on the 18th of July 1899″. Aldermen Brown, Bruce, and Wood opposed the settlement. A few months later, the Province newspaper for Nov. 22 1899 reported the Laurada “had been pounded to pieces on the rocks, and nothing could be saved”.

Council Reviews Lists of Accounts – July 3, 1899

Council Reviews Lists of Accounts – July 3, 1899

Council reviewed lists of accounts from the Fire and Police Committee, the Finance Committee, the Water + Market Committee, and the Board of Works. Evans, Coleman and Evans provided supplies to several civic committees throughout the 1890s. Their premises (pictured here) were on Alexander Street at the corner of Columbia, according to the 1899-1900 Vancouver City Directory, page 152.

400 Cans of Salmon and Condensed Milk Seized as “Unfit for Human Food” – May 22, 1899

The Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector reported that they had seized about 400 cans of salmon and condensed milk which they had condemned as being unfit for human food and suggesting that a letter be sent to the Secretary of the Canners Association calling attention to the immediate necessity of abolishing the sale of the cheap class of goods known as “turn over salmon”.